For members who wish to close their membership account:

  1. Go to:
  2. Enter the Email Address and Password you used when you created your membership:
  3. Click the Login Now button.
  4. From the Account Dashboard, scroll down to and expand the Account menu item, then click the Manage Account link:
  5. Once thee page refreshes, scroll down to the Cancel your Membership section, and click the Close Account button:

    NOTE: As stated, this action can NOT be undone, so be sure you want to do this. All information pertaining to your account, including all listings and all photos uploaded, will be deleted, permanently.
  6. You will receive a couple of warning messages, which you will need to read and accept or decline.
  7. Once you have completed the process, your account will be closed, assets will be deleted, and you will no longer be able to login to