A canonical URL is the "permanent" or original URL for something on the web.

Google hates duplicate content, but authors some times like to put the same article on multiple websites, because the content is relevant in both places.

To avoid making the Great Google angry, we add something called a canonical URL to the duplicate content, which tells Google "we are not trying to fool you, this is where this is originally from"...

Once logged into the Admin area of your WordPress website, and are viewing the Post you wish to change:

  1. Scroll down the the Yoast SEO section (under the content)
  2. Click the Advanced tab icon (the gear)
  3. Type/Paste the original URL in the textbox under Canonical URL
  4. Publish or Update the Post

WordPress will now add the proper code to the page to let Google (and other search engines) know that this is justified duplicate content.