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For members of FindItGuide.com that have forgotten, or want to reset, their password:

  1. Go to: https://www.finditguide.com/login/retrieval
  2. Enter your the Email Address you used when you created your membership:
  3. Click the Reset Password button.
  4. An email will be sent to that email address.  The email will include a link to reset your account's password:
  5. Click the link in that email.
  6. Enter your new password into both the New Password and the Repeat Password boxes:
    Note that you can click the "eye" icon in each Password textbox to reveal the password only to you, to confirm it is what you wanted to enter.
  7. Click the Change Password button.
  8. You may now login using your membership account email address and your new password here:

* If you need help logging in to your membership account, follow these instructions to login to your membership account.